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The following is a collection of selected publications by presenters of the 2018 Energy Symposium. Publications were selected for their relevance to the goals of the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge, and is not an exhaustive list.

Brad Shaffer

Multiple sources of uncertainty affect metrics for ranking conservation risk under climate change

AN Wright, RJ Hijmans, MW Schwartz, HB Shaffer - Diversity and Distributions, 2015

The decline of amphibians in California's Great Central Valley

RN Fisher, HB Shaffer - Conservation biology, 1996

The origin of tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) populations in California, Oregon, and Nevada: introductions or relicts?

JR Johnson, RC Thomson, SJ Micheletti, HB Shaffer - Conservation Genetics, 2011

Advances in climate models from CMIP3 to CMIP5 do not change predictions of future habitat suitability for California reptiles and amphibians

AN Wright, MW Schwartz, RJ Hijmans, HB Shaffer - Climatic change, 2016

Incorporating model complexity and spatial sampling bias into ecological niche models of climate change risks faced by 90 California vertebrate species of concern

DL Warren, AN Wright, SN Seifert, HB Shaffer - Diversity and distributions, 2014

Lethal Effects of Water Quality on Threatened California Salamanders but Not on Co-Occurring Hybrid Salamanders

ME Ryan, JR Johnson, BM Fitzpatrick, LJ Lowenstine, AM Picco, HB Shaffer - Conservation Biology, 2013

Spatial tests of the pesticide drift, habitat destruction, UV-B, and climate change hypotheses for California amphibian declines

C Davidson, HB Shaffer, MR Jennings - Conservation Biology, 2002

Survival of the western pond turtle (Emys marmorata) in an urban California environment

PQ Spinks, GB Pauly, JJ Crayon, HB Shaffer - Biological Conservation, 2003

Effective population size is strongly correlated with breeding pond size in the endangered California tiger salamander, Ambystoma californiense

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